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    To jest moja pierwsza próba zabawy z QR code, podjęta by jakoś ożywić tę pracę. Niestety, jeszcze nie wszystkie opcje wypróbowałam /np wielkość obrazka-QRcode/.

QRcode is a type of barcode that can be read easily by a digital device and which stores information as a series of pixels in a square-shaped grid. 

QR Codes have a wide range of uses across all types of industries such as in education, marketing, and logistics.

There are QR code generators paid and free. Free is https://www.qrcode-monkey.com. These programs generate QRcode from a url we write them. Then we download a ready QR code. I should paste it in a place I want to/need to. 

QR code must be read by QR reader/scaner /free or paid/. I found free here  https://me-qr-scanner.com 


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